Monday 13 August 2007

Nasi Dagang 同享会

这次轮到我从老家吉兰丹回来,一早,便到歌市的菜市,把食物买齐,有nasi dagang, kari ikan aya, dagang kerutuk,sambal chili,和acar timun.回到家把所有的食物重新放在塑胶盒里,藏在冰箱里以免发酸变质。
Nasi Dagang可以说是丹州的’名饭’,从前的商人,因为交通不发达,商人们一早出门时,都会准备一两包的饭,为一天的供应,而得此名。“商人饭”是用丹州特有的红糙米,椰浆,小红葱和姜丝,还有一种叫Halba的香料蒸熟,配咖厘鱼,鸡旦和sambal chili。在这里从早到晚都有供应。


MYBLOG said...

look so delicious,kl where got this kind of food...?all so lousy de,want to eat good n delicious sure must go kampung kampung...a lot of nice food..he he.hungry already

Darren said...

非常同意楼上所说的,在大城市很难找到很道地的美食,但也不可说完全没有啦,因为真正好的 KAMPUNG STYLE 的食物是靠人口相传的,没做广告,也很可能地点是在一个不知名及不显眼的小巷里,所以要找好料,未必在大餐厅/大饭店里,可能一个不起眼的档口都会给你一个大惊喜哦~~

但若你是都市人,也非常欢迎你到小 KAMPUNG 找美食哦~~

MYBLOG said...

city got nice food too,but hard to find...must go to back street la..lorong lorong something...must be eat together with one...ha ha.i just think the first thing to eat good,environment is very important,i especially like to having food around beach,mountain or someplace relax.

Unknown said...

i totally agree with myblog, hygiene is something we must look into at all time,food sellers must have a hygiene mentality,keep the work place clean and tidy, will bring you more customers!!

Darren said...


当然,没人会喜欢一个肮脏的地方,更何况是饮食地点。但现今社会人都很会妥协及善忘。还记得以前刚到 KL 读书时,真是被那儿其中一间的饭店的卫生所吓倒。起初还以为是我自己不习惯,但后来跟 SENIOR 谈起,才知道原来大家都知道它的不卫生,只是大家没办法,因为大家可能只有很短的休息时间,而通常其他饭店在午餐时间都会满座的,所以大家为了剩时间,唯有妥协。。。所幸的是同学有交通,我们宁愿去远点吃也不想吃那不卫生的一餐呀。现在回到去那边,看到那些学弟学妹们吃得津津有味的样子,还真替他们担心呐。。。



MYBLOG said...

unfortunately,the more dirty environment,the more delicious food they can make.(",) human so sick of this,well,it's true,now that we are used to having food with if we want to eat roadside's stall.(i think this is the perfect name for mouse,even i dun watch the movie yet)

Darren said...

哈哈,那你下次若有机会去小贩档进食,记得注意看是否有只 在指导那 chef 煮食咯~~