Wednesday, 31 October 2007


最简单不过了,首先,将小葱头,香茅切丝,小辣椒切粒,然后再挤下酸柑汁在Budu鱼酱内便成。这是丹州的特产,类似马六甲的Cencaluk,这里可是用新鲜的江鱼仔发酵而成,一般吉兰丹人的午餐都有Budu,煎鱼和生菜(Sayur Ulam).不能拆散的铁三角。


Dana said...

hie... back in Taiwan again?

Unknown said...

ya...just got back today..too much of good foods in Taiwan.Wish i could stay a bit longer.

Dana said...

eh, don't make me jealous OKAY! But anyways, I will go to Taiwan for a round island trip around 6 days also, in about two weeks time that is. Looking forward for a break -lah

Unknown said...

i think now its the good time to visiting Taiwan, if you like cold wealther.