每逢来到曼谷,Siam Paragon是我必到的购物 广场之一,它的面积很大,共有五层楼,来自国内外的名牌店都在这里争一席之地, Prada 到Jimmy Choo的专门店,五花八门,每天迎接不同国籍的游客,是座走在时代尖端的购物 广场,印象中每次都没有机会走遍整个广场,吸引我的则是底层的 Gourmet Market 和Food Hall。

Gourmet Market 可算是在曼谷最高尚的超市,喜欢在这里逛逛看看,这里的日常用品,蔬果,熟食品等都是最讲究,品质优良的产品。超市的前面则是美食中心 Food Hall, 是泰国最大最时尚的美食中心,有超过80间餐厅和摊子,除了供应各式各样的泰国美食,还有世界各地的食品。

Café De Tu 是一家泰西式的餐厅,有西式的茶点饮料,还有泰式的小吃咖厘等等。
Café de Tu
Ground Floor, Siam Paragon991/1
Rama I RoadPathumwan
Bangkok 10330
Never knew there was so nice "Afternoon Tea" at the Paragon and a great place to meet people who enjoys Life and appreciates good things in BKK.Keep up the great contributions.Thanks Eddie...
Visited this place few years ago and you are right, the most attractive place would be the ground floor, its so colourful, it really makes people felt wanna buy something even that's not on the plan, haha~~
But haven't had a chance to try the food in this foodcourt, may special request when i'm visiting my relative again :)
Yes!Darren, visit Gourmet Market is a must even just a " window shopping", how i wish i am living in a city with such a shopping facility...
when are you going to Bkk again?
I wanna go there now if i got chance, especially they have a grand festival in coming March lei... But seems no budget to that so, sigh... keke~~
How about you??
i am think of August or September...wanna to come along?
hmm... will try to make it and saveeeee money, hehe~~
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