Saturday 3 November 2007


曼谷到清迈,乘飞机需要一个小时,我和双亲准时抵达清迈的机场,大舅父已在等候,清迈的市区离机场不远,从机场到酒店只需10分钟的车程。下榻的The Imperial Mae Ping离开著名的夜市不远, 是我常去的地方。
出来游玩嘛总是期待吃到一些平时没有机会吃到的,或着是当地的特产,以丰富自己的饮食经验,最怕跟一些对吃没有讲就又很有原则的人出来玩,这个不吃那个不行不敢很怕又一直拿家乡的价钱来做比较,遇到这种人只能叹遇人不淑,尽量不让他点菜或分开用餐,然会,make sure make sure,下次不要再约出门游玩。
谢桐兴供应的是典型的泰潮菜肴,头菜是腌蒜头,当地人称为Kratian Thorn,我则称它为珍珠蒜头,每颗蒜头只有珍珠那么大,用糖,醋,当归等腌制,味道甜甜,酸酸,香香的,让人感到惊艳,随同的大舅和舅母连连叫好。

Jia Tong Heng Restaurant
193/2-3 Sri Don Chai Rd.
Muang, ChiangMai 50100

Tel: (053)275242, 273593


Anonymous said...

emmm then i definitely being kick out from your list!! cause at times i really to try new food hahah..
But if the partner are really good in food then why not I will try.
Now I will feel like trying that garlic starter and the desert (tat's buy favourite)..

Unknown said...

well, you have passed the test, we had dinner at The Garden, remember?

MYBLOG said... it's cool now,is it?

Unknown said...

not really, its getting warmer still at this moment.

Darren said...

I'm not sure when it start, "珍珠蒜头" will always APPEAR in our refrigerator, never finished... (will buy it whenever it almost finished, hehe~~)coz that's my dad's favorite and of course... mine :)

but the photo addie shows here mix with "KEI CI", just for decoration?? or "珍珠蒜头" will nicer??

Unknown said...

it does add some flavor to it, its kind of sweet taste.