Wednesday 14 May 2008



牛杂面(Mee Soup Perut)是丹州马来人传统的清真面食,由于地理的缘故,这里的牛杂面跟泰南一带的有点相似,另人注目的摊子前永远挂着一条条事先处理的牛肠,牛肚,牛筋,白页等,还有菜心;又臭又香的气味扑鼻而来,汤头甘醇,辣醋更是一绝,有除腻提味的功能。当地人们一匙匙的往面里放,大辣辣的十分过瘾,我则钟意一点点的沾着面食,以免失去汤的美味。

物以类聚,友人昌铭是个尝鲜高手,有时间便跟我北上南下的觅食。一天来到了歌城说是来玩其实完全是为了这里的美食,短短的两三天走吃遍了歌城的大街小巷。第二天刚用过早餐,铭君沮丧:“这么多的美食,那么少的时间。”有点吃不消了, 家母立刻阻止:“吃而可止便行。”午餐前到了大巴刹还是禁不住两人共吃了一碗。午膳家母逼问:“是不是吃了牛杂面来?”,两人还很默契的否认呢。罪哉。


Anonymous said...

I'm going back to Kelantan this month. Would appreciate if you could please give me a direction how to go to this store? Emmmm... Cannot tahan la.

Unknown said...

Hi thank you for dropping to my blog, I found this stall at Pasar Besar Siti Khatifah's food court area, there are several stalls selling the same kind, look for the most clouded one to enjoy freshest meat!
let me know how you like it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bro.

Suggestion: Ayam pericik at pasir mas. there got one store located after the round about on the way to rantau panjang, at the right hand side, opposite the goreng pisang store. They said this is the royal family favorite store.