from armatheraphy point of view it really work to cool down, antiseptic. If not mistaken South East Asia has the best quality of mint tree. Tips: in a hot weather noon just prepare a burner with mint 100% pure essential oil. Immediately you can calm down your body and atmosphere surrounding.
from armatheraphy point of view it really work to cool down, antiseptic. If not mistaken South East Asia has the best quality of mint tree.
Tips: in a hot weather noon just prepare a burner with mint 100% pure essential oil. Immediately you can calm down your body and atmosphere surrounding.
Any idea how to make mint essential oil at home?
读了好饿! 近来你的煮食篇实在是让人饥肠辘辘呀。。。
I think essential oil need to be extracted through distilled method (a complicated process), not really practicle or not possible to do it at home.
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